This course introduces computer programming using the JAVA programming language with
object-oriented programming principles. Emphasis is placed on event-driven programming
methods, including creating and manipulating objects, classes, and using object-oriented tools
such as the class debugger.
- Design, create, build, and debug Java applications and applets.
- Apply algorithmic thinking to solve programming problems.
- Implement syntax rules in Java programs.
- Explain variables and data types used in program development.
- Apply arithmetic operations for displaying numeric output.
- Write and apply decision structures for determining different operations.
- Write and apply loop structures to perform repetitive tasks.
- Write user-defined methods.
- Identify and implement arrays, array lists, and multidimensional arrays.
- Write Java programs using object-oriented programming techniques including classes, objects, methods, instance variables, composition, inheritance, and polymorphism.
- Write programs using graphical user interface (GUI) components and Java’s Event Handling Model.
We have individual (private class one on one), group classes, morning, afternoon and evening sessions. Every day classes available. You may inquire through any of our training coordinator, plan ahead and start your career with us.
- Introduction
- History of Java
- Features of Java
- How Java works
- Types of Java Programs
- Edit, compile, and run Java applications and applets
- Variables, data types, and expressions
- Identifier rules
- Naming variables, constants (final) and references
- Primitive data types
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Relational and Logical Operators
- Program control flow
- Sequence structure
- Selection structure
- Repetition structure
- Jump (Sequence) structure
- Methods
- Java API and Package/Library methods
- User-defined methods
- Scope and duration
- Local and Field variables
- Pass-by-value, Pass-by-reference
- Recursion
- Overloading
- Arrays
- Declaration and allocation
- Passing arrays to methods
- Sorting, searching
- Multiple-subscripted
- Object-Based Programming
- Classes and objects, instance variables, and instance methods
- Member access modifiers: public, private, protected, package
- Creating packages
- Constructors, overloaded constructors
- Set (mutator), Get (access), and predicate methods
- Final instance variables
- Composition
- Finalizers, garbage collection
- Static class members
- this reference
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Inheritance
- Super class, subclass
- Polymorphism
- Dynamic method binding
- Abstract class, Concrete class
- Inner class definition
- Type-wrapper class for primitive data types
- Interfaces
- Graphical User Interface
- Event-Driven Programming and Event Handling Model
- Window Components
- Mouse and keyboard event handling
- Adapter classes
- Layout managers
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Microlink is become a leading premier IT association in the world, both effective and efficient in providing a comprehensive range of quality IT solutions. Aims to provide quality and international academic programs in information technology not only in the US but all over its constituents.
Knowledge of Human Development Authority
KHDA Dubai Government, UAE
The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) is responsible for the growth,
direction and quality of private education and learning in Dubai.
We provide two easy steps on how you can join the course.
- Register Online or
- Fill-up the registration form
and visit the Institute,
with the following requirements then pay the necessary fees.
- passport copy or national id copy
- 1 copy of passport size photo
- education certificate copy
- CV or background profile