Study Plan Training

A study plan is an effective way to help you navigate through your college education in an organized way. Every student will develop a different study plan; there is no correct study plan for everyone. When creating your personalized study plan, you will need to do some self-evaluation of your current schedule and time management. Find days when you have fewer personal commitments when you can squeeze some study time. Remember, each student studies differently, so the amount of time you need to study will differ from the time your classmates devote to studying. Some students find that studying nightly for thirty minutes is more realistic than studying a few times a week for a longer period of time.

You’ll have to identify your learning goals for each study session in order to maximize these scheduled study times. Determine why you are studying, and develop a plan that can help you achieve those goals. Take into consideration upcoming tests, your average in certain courses, and projects that you anticipate will take more time than others.

We have individual (private class one on one), group classes, morning, afternoon and evening sessions. Every day classes available. You may inquire through any of our training coordinator, plan ahead and start your career with us.

  • First: long plan Mady- quarterly plan
    • Identify the goals of the curriculum
    • Distribution of the contents of the curriculum to weeks or months of the semester
    • Identify activities and means it would use the teacher during the semester
    • Determine the number of classes for each unit of study.
    • Identify methods and timing of the tests of this chapter.
  • Second, short-term plan, the daily plan.
    • Develop and prepare the classroom teacher who intends to implement during the school day components.
  • Preparing the lesson plan components:
    • First, the regulatory side
    • Second, analysis of scientific material
    • Third, behavioral objectives
    • Fourth: developmental activities
    • Fifth: Calendar associated - Osteopathic activity
    • Sixth: extra-curricular activities - to be

Certification Issued By:

Institute of Professional Managers
IPM - USA commenced operations in San Francisco USA as an Executive Education programs for positions in Middle East and Far East, Africa. The founders and owners of IPM had worked for many years Executive Education and business training in USA, EU, UK, and Middle East and recognize the growing demand for Executive Education speakers around the world.

Knowledge of Human Development Authority
KHDA Dubai Government, UAE
The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) is responsible for the growth, direction and quality of private education and learning in Dubai.

Membership Issued By:

High Authority Council for Arab Managers (HACAM)
High Authority Council for Arab Managers (HACAM) HACAM believes that this certificate will be a valuable resource for professionals within the Arab world in order to understand how these and other processes for organizational improvement are interrelated. HACAM provides training program in the Middle East and targets Managers of quality-focused organizations/industries, professionals aiming to increase their effectiveness/ productivity and anyone interested in the field of quality.

We provide two easy steps on how you can join the course.

  • Register Online or
  • Fill-up the registration form and visit the Institute, with the following requirements then pay the necessary fees.
    • passport copy or national id copy
    • 1 copy of passport size photo
    • education certificate copy
    • CV or background profile